Invest Love in Those Who Stay
This is one of my favorite pictures I’ve taken and one of the main lessons God has been teaching me this year.
I want to share some of what I’ve learned to express my gratitude for God and as part of my healing.
I don’t know if I can quite articulate the pain that comes from watching someone you love choose to walk out of your life.
It hurts so bad.
It’s like death.
Because every day they are alive and doing okay without you feels like a stab in the back.
And no one can survive that.
The reality that I gave so much to someone who didn’t stay ate me alive.
I wanted to scream and die every time I thought about it.
But I don’t know if I can quite articulate the gratitude I feel now for the relationships I have with people who choose to stay and be an active part of my life.
After being left, I began to view those who didn’t leave with a newfound appreciation.
The gratitude I feel for people who value me has deepened immensely.
Their existence is such a gift. Their decision to sit, listen, and walk with me on my journey means so much.
I’m so grateful for the understanding of who I should rely on that came from the loss of those I couldn’t.
Learning that understanding hurt.
Sometimes I wonder if I’ll always be recovering from it.
But I know through the Savior, I will heal and I am healing.
I am grateful to Him for the beauty that has come from this experience.
I am grateful for how much it has taught me about myself and His consistent, infinite love.
I am grateful it taught me to cherish Him and those who choose to stay.