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Feeling Seen

My Mom Who is QUEEN of Truly Seeing Me

Is there anything better than feeling truly known & seen?

I’ve thought about this question often this year.

Since my depression diagnosis, I’ve become extremely aware of how much I need people & how much I value feeling understood by others.

I always thought I was good at loving people but over the summer, God helped me realize I needed to more fully appreciate those who see and support me.

I wrote down their names in a note on my phone to remind me of who I should invest my energy in.

Developing this awareness has helped me feel so much gratitude for my people when I’m with them.

I see our time together as such a gift.

I feel more present & able to cherish them for all they are.

A lot of times we are scared to lean into love because it’s vulnerable and the loss of it is painful.

But avoiding truly loving people deprives us from experiencing the most beautiful part of life.

I believe we are on earth to learn how to love like Jesus Christ.

I believe God sent us to learn that because He knows truly loving others and being loved is the greatest joy there is.

People are miracles.

And some of my favorite miracles are those who see me for exactly who I am.

I hope in this coming year, I have the courage to lean more into love & to truly see those around me.

I hope the same for you too.


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