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The Sting of Life is Swallowed Up in Christ

I finished my senior year at BYU this week.

BYU has been the most amazing experience for me.

I am so overwhelmed with gratitude when I think about how much God has given me during this time of my life.

I have learned and grown so much. I am so unbelievably grateful.

That being said, these last two semesters have been especially hard for me.

I experienced the loss of two really close relationships and have been trying to navigate the grieving process ever since.

These relationships ended because what happened to end them was too complicated and too messy to fix.

I’ve come a long way in healing and acceptance, but the entire situation was and often still is, extremely traumatizing.

As I studied my scriptures today, I reflected on the pain I’ve felt from the experience.

Sometimes, it feels like I am this girl surrounded by a bunch of pieces of broken glass in a dark corner.

I want to glue the pieces back together.

I want to make things right.

But I have no idea where to start or how to even do it.

Then I get this sinking feeling that no matter what I do, I can’t fix it.

I can’t make things better because the pieces are too broken for me to fix.

I start to feel hopeless. I start to feel like I’m stuck, like I'm suffocating.

I’ve put so much effort into these relationships, how can I ever recover from losing them?

How can I make right all the wrongs that came with these losses?

As I ask these questions in desperation, the Spirit reminds me of Jesus Christ.

I remember Jesus Christ is the only One who can heal these things.

I realize Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ don’t expect me to fix it.

I can’t glue back the pieces together because I’m not meant to.

The whole mission and purpose of Jesus Christ was to come to earth to heal and redeem each of us.

He fulfilled that mission perfectly. We don’t have to.

In fact, it would be impossible for us to heal anything without Him.

All He asks of us is to bring our broken pieces to Him and ask for His healing.

That is our mission.

If we do that, He will heal us and all the broken pieces we have.

I feel so much relief realizing this.

I find so much relief in the redeeming power of Jesus Christ.

I am so grateful because He can fix what is broken beyond our repair.

As I ponder the despair, the brokenness of my situation, my complete inability to fix it, and then remember the light of the Savior and the healing power of His Atonement, I am at loss for words.

I feel His healing power so immensely.

I feel like I have been saved a million times over.

I feel a huge weight lifted off of me.

I feel peace.

I know that it is only through Him that we can be healed.

It is only through Him that we can be saved.

It Is only through Him that we can be redeemed.

I am so grateful.

Christ is the founder of our peace.

As we seek Him through prayer, studying the Bible, the Book of Mormon, making and keeping covenants and serving others, we will access His healing power.

Our hearts will change, we will feel peace, we will find healing.

I know without a doubt that in the end, every wrong thing will be made right through the Atonement of Jesus Christ.

He is the greatest champion of justice, fairness and mercy to ever exist. He has it under control. We have to trust Him.

Mosiah 16:4 “Thus all mankind were lost; and behold, they would have been endlessly lost were it not that God redeemed his people from their lost and fallen state.”

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