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Celebrating 2019

I believe we celebrate by remembering things.

I remember, a year ago, I was so scared for what 2019 would bring.

2018 had been such a good year for me, I wondered how any other year could ever measure up.

I knew 2019 would be full of hard decisions and defining moments because I would be closer to graduating.

And it was exactly that.

As I look back at everything that happened, a scripture comes to mind from Doctrine and Covenants section 78.

“And ye cannot bear all things now, nevertheless, be of good cheer, for I will lead you along.”

For I will lead you along.

I feel like that phrase is exactly what God has been doing for me this past year.

There is no way if He would have told me a year ago exactly how things were going to go and the experiences I would face in 2019 that I would have been able to handle it.

As much as I wanted to know how everything was going to turn out this year, I am so grateful God chose not to tell me.

I am so grateful that He chose to quietly and lovingly lead me along instead.

Just like I was afraid of, I made choices this year that required a lot of courage.

I encountered challenges that brought me to my knees again and again and again.

I feel like God kept teaching me that I can’t do things by myself, that I need other people to succeed and am nothing without Him.

However, I did not meet these choices and challenges alone.

Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ stood by me with every encounter.

Through Their strength I was given the courage to make decisions, follow my heart and do what They want me to do.

I am so grateful because as I reflect on the experiences I had this year, I can see They were with me.

Each experience this year was a step towards my growth.

The things I had to go through, the people I met, built on each other.

There was no way I could have experienced one without the other or skipped a step or two to get ahead.

I had to experience every choice and trial in the order they came to become the person I am right now.

I wouldn’t be who I am today without all of the things I experienced. I recognize we can’t reap the rewards of anything without experience and effort.

I have no idea what 2020 has in store.

I have no idea where I’ll be at this time next year.

But I have faith God will lovingly lead me along to where I need to be, just like He did in 2019.

I know He will do the same for you.

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