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Prayer Works.

It was arguably the most stressful day of the semester.

I received two internship offers within an hour.

I had applied and interviewed for internships non-stop for five months.

I was so grateful.

However, after more research and conversation about these positions, I realized I didn’t really want either of them.

But I still needed a summer internship to graduate from BYU's PR program.

A couple days prior, I spoke with people from a company I knew I would love to work for.

Except their interview process wouldn’t start for another week.

I had to make the decision for the other two offers by Friday.

It was Monday.

I had no idea what I should do.

If I declined these two offers, what if I didn’t get any other offers?

Was I supposed to take one of the mediocre offers and learn a lesson of gratitude?

But doesn’t God want me to have a job I love?

How would I spend forty hours a week doing something I’m not happy with the entire summer?

Those are the questions that ran through my brain.

I felt helpless.

I felt scared.

I felt sad.

I had an hour before my class started.

Fear of the unknown was preventing me from productivity so I went to grab a Jamba Juice.

I felt like crying as I walked through the Wilk (BYU's student center).

I needed someone to talk to, someone who was dealing with internship stuff and in a similar boat.

I needed to talk to my friend, Jacob Johnson.

When I saw him two months before, he told me he was trying to make a decision between a couple internship offers.

I knew he would know what to say.

And every time we talk, regardless of topic, he helps me feel understood.

As I was about to order a smoothie, I cried in my heart asking Heavenly Father if I could run into him.

I went up to buy a smoothie.

I found a quiet place to drink it and finish up some last minute homework.

Twenty minutes before class started, I decided to start walking over to the classroom.

As I walked back through the Wilk, I looked over to my left at people sitting in some chairs along the hall.

And guess what?

There sat Jacob Johnson. Smiling as he saw me.

I started tearing up.

He offered to walk me to class.

We talked for thirty minutes.

He said exactly what I needed to hear.

He gave me the encouragement I needed to follow my heart.

There are 30,000 students attending BYU.

I know it’s not a coincidence I ran into him.

I know God answered my silent, pleading prayer.

I know He will answer yours.

He is there for you.

He loves you.

He is watching over you.

He will give you what you need if you have the courage and faith to ask.

***Photos courtesy of Unsplash, Wix & BYUPhoto

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