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Prayer for Accountants

I’ve been on this kick lately about not wanting the typical “9-5” job largely due to the entrepreneurship class I'm taking.

My professor says things like

“Just because everyone does something like go to school and get a job right after graduation, doesn’t mean you have to.”

“What is your dream? How do you want to live your life? Do what you are passionate about.”

These things resonate with me.

Because of this line of thinking, I started to slightly detest “normal” jobs.

However, I experienced a change of heart Tuesday night.

I sat at a table on the first floor of the library doing homework.

A guy walks by, waves, and starts to walk towards me. I don’t recognize him at first.

He gives me a hug and I remember.

Sandy blonde boy from Santa Barbara.

Kind, blue eyes.

He always studies on this floor.

I used to always study here. Which is how we became friends.

We chatted for a minute before heading back to study.

I watched him sit down at a table, put his Air Pods in and pick up a textbook.

What a nice guy.

Who studies accounting.

And loves accounting.

And wants to be an accountant.

I suddenly felt an overwhelming sense of gratitude for him and everyone who want to be or are accountants.

Before this encounter, I would have classed accountancy as one of those 9-5 jobs people should avoid.

But seeing my friend reminded me the world needs accountants.

I need them.

We need all the 9-5 jobs.

They make our lives easier and better.

But how often do we take time to appreciate those who work to keep the world spinning?

Electricians, teachers, restaurant owners, insurance agents, doctors, plumbers.

The people who put in carpets.

The people who make carpets.

The people who clean bathrooms of gas stations in the middle of nowhere Nevada.

The people who keep our money safe at the bank.

I am so grateful these jobs exist and for the people who work them.

So in your prayer tonight, thank God for them.

Thank God for the people you never think to thank Him for.

Thank God for accountants.

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