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Cheers to the Boys

Guys get a lot of flack these days.

Making fun of what they’ve done and highlighting their negative attributes is popular in the news and social media.

Thanks to movements like #metoo and America’s now vigilant eye on gender equality, guys can’t get away with the things they once did.

Photo by

Which is unbelievably awesome and absolutely necessary.

The fact these movements took place, however, results in people continuously pointing fingers at men as the culprit for things they may not be to blame for.

© AFP / Mark Ralston​

I am not saying there wasn't and still is a lot of wrong done by men.

But I know there was and is a lot of good done by men that the media often misses.

I believe there always has and will be men who are selfless, kind and noble.

I believe men have done more good than the news gives them credit for.

Photo by

I believe these things because I am friends with men who are like that.

I have brothers who are like that.

I have a dad, who had a dad, who had a dad, who are and were all like that.

Photo by Mandi Lotze

I ran into one of those friends the other day. I want to highlight this experience to help people recognize and appreciate the good men in the world.


I saw Tommy just as I was leaving my last class of the day. He gave me a big hug as soon as he saw me.

Not only did he ask how I was doing, after listening intently he smiled and said,

“Man, every time I see you handing out programs at church, I just think, 'we need more of Hannah and what she says in this world.'"

Photo by BYU Photo

I smiled in response and asked how he was doing. He said,

“I’m good! I have a little migraine though, but it’s okay. I’m grateful because I have family members who get migraines all the time and it’s teaching me to empathize with them better.”

We parted ways but his words stayed with me the rest of the day.


I couldn't stop thinking about how he so casually said he was grateful for being sick for the sake of empathizing.

Isn't that awesome?

How incredible is it that I get to be friends with guys who actively try to empathize? Who actively strive to love like the Savior does? Who mean what they say?

From Right: Tyler Heaton, Drake Dalton, Bobby Crofts, Rhett Burton, Tommy Fredrick

Tommy is just one example of hundreds of thousands of guys who are like that.

There are good guys in the world.

There are good guys in your life.

If you look for them, you will find them.

I hope you take time to reach out to and thank them for who they are and the difference they make.

We would be lost without them.


I have a lot to say about this subject. This isn't going to be the last post of me highlighting the awesome men in the world. If you have any courageous, incredible guys in your life you think should be highlighted, let me know.

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