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How one man at the gym changed my view on kindness.

I looked behind me as I sat down on the vibrant, red bleachers in the Page High School gym.

I noticed a mother and son a couple rows back.

The woman was in her 50’s. The man in his 30’s.

Both wore black tattered shirts and dark circles under their eyes.

They seemed worn out from life.

I didn’t know how to approach them or what I could do to help so I watched the game instead.

When it was over, I saw the woman approach my dad who sat a couple seats away from me.

I asked my dad who she was once she left.

This is what he said:

She came up to me asking if Sarah was my sister.

When I told her "yes" she said she comes with her son come to every home game.

He has special needs.

Every time they come, he begs her to ask me if Sarah is my sister because he and Sarah were in high school together. And she was always nice to him.

He wanted her to tell me that so I could tell Sarah thank you for him.

(Sarah, left, in high school with one of her friends)

Tears started watering my eyes.

Tears for the mom who tirelessly takes her son with special needs to every home basketball game.

Tears for the hardship they face to no end.

Tears for the sweet spirited man who remembered my aunt.

Whose biggest desire was for her to know how much he appreciated her.

Tears because we will never understand the effects our kindness has on others.

Keep being kind. Even if you feel like you are helping no one. You are.

"Perhaps you will forget tomorrow the kind words you say today, but the recipient may cherish them over a lifetime."

- Dale Carnegie

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