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Love More. Judge Less.

I had an epiphany this week.

I discovered a YouTube channel called Yes Theory.

Yes Theory is a group of four guys from Paris, Turkey, New York and Egypt.

They met at a party after graduating from university.

They bonded over a belief that growth comes when one gets out of their comfort zone.

As a result, they decided to create Yes Theory - a movement to get people out of their comfort zones and start living their dreams.

They make videos of experiences conquering their fears and helping others do the same.

The movement is all in the name of love, unity and courage.

I highly recommend you watch their stuff.

Love More, Judge Less

While in church I was reflecting on my week and what experiences I had that strengthened my faith in Christ.

Then the epiphany came.

Yes Theory.

These guys are doing so much good in the world.

They are sharing love and spreading light.

They are helping people feel alive and find their purpose.

They are getting random strangers to tell each other “I love you!”

And as far as I can tell, they aren't religious.

It dawned on me then that people who aren't Christian or don't go to the Church or any church for that matter are wonderful and kind people.

Now, I’ve always known and believed that. And I try my best to love everyone I come in contact with regardless of faith.

But I think sometimes as Christians, we look at others as less because they don’t subscribe to our faith.

I don’t think we do this on purpose.

I think most of the time we want so badly to share about Christ and help others come to Him, we see those who don’t have Him in their life as missing something.

I think we often & wrongly translate that into seeing them as less than.

I’m not saying we shouldn’t share our faith in Christ because we should.

However, I believe we need to internalize and act like we are all equal in the sight of God.

We need to realize because we believe a certain way doesn't make us more than anyone else.

We can do better at acknowledging and appreciating people who are different from us.

We need to love more and judge less.

Everyone is Needed

God inspires people everywhere to do good and serve others. We read about this in the Book of Mormon and Bible.

"All things which are good cometh of God" (Moroni 7)

"He that doeth good is of God" (3 John)

I believe the men of Yes Theory are fulfilling their calling and purpose in life. I believe God is very proud of them.

I think as Christians we tend to think that it is up to us to save the world because we know Jesus and we are the only ones who can help the state of the world get better.

But I know because of Yes Theory and millions of other experiences that most people are good and doing good.

We need them. God needs them.

Again, I wholeheartedly believe members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints have a responsibility to share the gospel of Jesus Christ. There are certain things God wants us to give that only members of His church can.

I am not better because of this knowledge.

Neither are you.

We are all the same. Children of God. Brothers and sisters.

Each person has something special to give. And the world needs that to thrive.

Kindness is real. Courage is present. Love exists.

This is because of humans everywhere - Christian or not.

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