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What love sounds like.

"Yeah, I know who you are. Whenever you walk by, I hear love."

This is what our neighbor told my companion and I after we stopped along the sidewalk to introduce ourselves.

He continued, “I see you walk by and I never hear anything mean come out of your mouths. All I hear is love. You don’t hear that very often anymore. People are so angry at one thing or another. The world needs more of what you have."


It’s been two years since I had that interaction as a missionary in sunny southern California, yet his words stay with my heart.

I can’t even count how often my companion and I must’ve walked past his apartment door in the three months we lived there. I know I never thought about people listening or even caring about what we were chattering about as we left for the day. Yet I am so grateful he never heard anything negative. Even before we met him, he felt love.

How powerful is that?

We can help people feel the love of the Savior through what we say and how we say it.


As I reflect on this experience, I am reminded of a scripture in the New Testament, Ephesians 4:2.

“Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers.”

Think about the times you are forgiven and the overwhelming peace that comes.

How happy you feel when you make up with your spouse or a friend.

How grateful you are when someone recognizes your hard work.

Think about the times you have felt the grace of Jesus Christ carry you.

Those are the types of feelings we can help others feel when we speak.


No one is immune to the dark and sad things the world offers. Shootings, natural disasters, corrupt governments and broken homes are all around us. Each of us carries heavy burdens. We are all trying to make our way through the darkness. We need all the light and love we can get.

We can give that light. We can give that love. We can bring joy to one person’s life with one or two sentences.

Pray to speak as the Savior would & watch for the miracles that follow. I promise they will come.

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