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People are miracles.

I saw three miracles on campus Wednesday.

I would have missed them if I hadn’t been paying attention.

Boy on Bike

I was reading my scriptures after class in a seat facing a window.

I paused from my study to look out the window, just in time to see one of my friends bike by.

I noticed as he passed the courtyard, he turned his head and saw a girl sitting by herself on a bench.

He kept pedaling.

As I’m about to return to my scriptures, my friend on the bike pedals back in sight.

This time, he pauses to get off his bike, leans it on a tree and walks over to the girl on the bench.

Their interaction was brief.

He tapped her on the shoulder, smiled and said hi.

I’m not sure if he knew her or not.

But the fact he came back humbled me.

I knew he felt it was important to talk to her. I knew he probably brushed off the thought to do it right when he passed her.

But he came back.

And showed love.

Which is what the Savior does.

He keeps coming back. Even when we leave Him.

Boy who Prayed

An hour or so later, I was walking to eat lunch at a cafe in the new engineering building on campus.

There were lots of people on the sidewalk.

I noticed a boy walking in my direction about 40 feet away.

He stops mid step, turns and goes to sit at a bench away from everyone.

As he sits, he clasps his hands together and bows his head.

He is praying.

I pause to watch him for a couple seconds before walking away and smiling.

I am humbled again. And filled with gratitude towards God and His followers.

This boy probably forgot to say his prayers this morning or maybe was about to take a hard test.

Either way, he stopped everything he was doing to pray. What a beautiful act of faith.

I want to be like that.

Boy & the Break up

I sat on a bench in a random hall of the engineering building after lunch.

I chose to work there because no one else was around. Two minutes later a boy came to sit on another bench about 50 feet away from me.

I was busy making calls and planning when he started talking on his phone. But because it was just the two of us in an echo-y hallway, I heard his conversation.

“Yeah, man, good to hear from you too. Hey... I don’t know if you heard, but Alex and I broke up last night.

I kind of knew it was coming. But I don’t know what to do... Being in love for the first time and then breaking up - what is the appropriate way to act going forward?

You know both of us and our situation a little so I thought I’d call and ask you for help.”

This guy had to be 6’5.

Tan. Dark hair. Built. Wearing a black baseball hat and gray joggers.

Athlete to the core.

Looked like he had it all.

Yet I know he wasn’t feeling like that when I saw him.

His voice strained as he talked about what happened. Pain and confusion colored his voice.

Yet he was humble enough to ask his friend for help.

This humbled me.

We can’t do it alone.

We need each other.

It’s hard to reach out and ask for help from others, from God.

But as we do we will be stronger. And we will receive enough light to keep moving forward.

Now What?

There are so many good people in the world.

Let's recognize them.

Let's appreciate those who strengthen our faith.

Let's realize everyone is trying their best.

It isn't our place to judge, but it is our place to love. Try to love a little more today.

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