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We all have influence. How are we using it?

I flew to Omaha, Nebraska this week to meet and watch Ari Leff, aka LAUV in concert. If you’re like everyone I met over there, you’re probably wondering, “why in the world did she do that?”

Here’s why.

I love LAUV. Everyone has musicians they love so that is not special in itself. But the main reason I love him is because of who he is.

Which you’re probably thinking: Hannah how can you know who someone is if you’ve never met them?

I discovered LAUV in July. I fell in love with his music because his lyrics are honest. As I followed him on social media, I noticed everything he posted or said in an interview seemed extremely genuine and positive. Whenever he spoke, he did so in the spirit of gratitude and humility. He wasn’t putting on a show or pretending he was someone he wasn’t. He was a normal, real person.

His most recent interview from a month ago is titled “I’m trying to focus on doing positive things for the world” and this is what I just saw on Twitter:

With every fiber of my being I support people who use their influence to share light with the world. I am continually amazed at how he uses his platform to promote goodness, act gracefully and be vulnerable. Because of this, I had to meet and thank him for doing what I believe is the most important thing we can do: help others feel love.

Since I missed him coming to Utah, the next closest concert was Nebraska. I spoke with him three different times at the show. During our conversations he looked at me like I was the only person in the entire world. I shared how grateful I was for what he is doing. He shared how grateful he was for me sharing because he had felt off all day but my words helped him feel better. As he spoke, I felt his authenticity and vulnerability. I knew he was exactly who he portrayed himself to be.

Now, I am fully aware that he is not a perfect person. I do not idolize him or write these things to put him on a pedestal. He has flaws and weaknesses like we all do. He is just a person like we all are. No one is better than the other, regardless of status, fame or success because we are all children of God.

The reason I am writing about my experience is because I look up to him as an example of how to make a difference in the lives of those around us. We all have influence. How are we using it?

Are we lifting and encouraging one another in what we say or bringing them down? Are we actively putting positive messages on social media? Are we helping others feel love in daily interactions?

When people see us, can they see Christ?

As members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, it is our responsibility to act as Jesus Christ would if He were here on earth. We are to love God and our neighbors. We are to “lift the hands that hang down and strengthen the feeble knees”. God asks us to take care of the poor, needy and afflicted. Sometimes it may seem like we don’t have a lot to give. But we can all give our hearts. We can all help others feel God’s love.

Just think about yourself - you don’t expect someone to be able to take away your problem, but you do need encouragement and comfort that you can overcome the challenges you face. Everyone else is the same. Most of the time, we just want someone to be there, to remind us we are not alone, to love us regardless.

Jesus Christ is the perfect example of infinite and enduring love. He is always there for us. As we try to be like Him and rely on Him, we will learn how to love better. We will influence others in a way that He would. We will find more joy as we focus on helping others find joy.

I know Jesus Christ lives. I know He is the light of the world. As we follow Him, we can find peace. Charity, the pure love of Christ, will change the world. As we love like He does, hearts will open and people will desire to follow Him and be baptized so they can feel and share His love forever.


"And charity suffereth long, and is kind, and envieth not, and is not puffed up, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil, and rejoiceth not in iniquity but rejoiceth in the truth, beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things.

Charity is the pure love of Christ, and it endureth forever; and whoso is found possessed of it at the last day, it shall be well with him."

Moroni 7:45, 47

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