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Why I Listen When the Prophet Speaks

The Invitation

Last General Conference, President Nelson pleaded with us to “stretch beyond {our} current ability to receive personal revelation.” He then extended this invitation:

“Find a quiet place where you can regularly go. Humble yourself before God. Pour out your heart to your Heavenly Father… Pray in the name of Jesus Christ about your fears, your weaknesses - yes, the very longings of you heart. And then listen! Write the thoughts that come to your mind. Record your feelings and follow through with actions that you are prompted to take.”

After that session of conference finished, I knew I needed to follow President Nelson’s counsel and engage in a sincere conversation with God. I distinctly remember how hard it was to actually follow that prompting. I felt a lot of reluctance (is He really going to answer me? what if He doesn’t) but eventually, I went to an empty bedroom and knelt down.

I prayed out loud, thanking God for what I learned and felt. I thanked Him for the people I love, my job and His tender mercies. I told Him what I thought about President Nelson’s invitation, how I was scared to ask what I needed to do better. I asked Him to strengthen my ability to follow the Spirit so that I could minister to who He needed me to.

I felt a lot of peace as I prayed. I made sure to listen and write down my thoughts at the end of the prayer. I didn't receive any super detailed instruction but I did feel like I could take on the entire world because I was so invigorated. I felt the grace and strength of God comfort me. I felt Him let me know everything was going to work out if I followed Him. I was excited for the future.

The Miracle

A couple weeks go by and I am driving home late on a Friday night and a thought about someone in my ward pops into my head. I had only talked to this person a couple times but as I drove, I realized I hadn’t seen him at church for a while. I tried to dismiss the thought because it was random, but I couldn’t. I felt like I should go see how he is doing. Once I arrived home however, I ended up talking with my roommate for awhile because she had a hard day. It was midnight by the time we finished, so I decided I would go see the guy another day because its late on a Friday, the chances of him being on a date are high, how awkward it would be if i knocked on the door and he was with a girl...So I put on my PJS and hopped in bed.

But... I couldn’t fall asleep. The Spirit was practically choking me to check on him. Despite my brain saying don’t do it, it’s weird, it’s late, I hopped out of bed. Walking to his apartment I prayed repeatedly: Heavenly Father please please don’t let this be weird, please help me say what you need me to say.

I braced myself for the worst as I knocked on his door. He opened it and smiled, “Hey Hannah! How are you? Do you want to come in?” I quickly sent up an urgent, relieved prayer of gratitude from my heart. No girl + no roommates + no weird looks from him. God is SO good.

I stepped inside and told him I felt like I needed to see how he was doing because I hadn’t seen him for a while.

I won’t go into detail about what followed; but for two hours we sat on his couch and talked. He opened up to me about the challenges he encountered that were causing his faith to waver. I shared my testimony of God's love for him. We discussed how we’d seen His hand in our lives. He committed to do a couple things that would help him feel God's love more.

We were both in tears by the end of the conversation. The Spirit was strong. We hugged goodbye and as I left, I knew without a doubt God sent me to visit him.


I feel like we can pull a couple lessons from this experience. The first thing I learned is to “never postpone a prompting”. I was kicking myself on the way back to my apartment because it was such a struggle to get myself to visit him. I felt dumb because what happened was one of the most incredible spiritual experiences I’ve had. And I almost shrugged off the opportunity for a couple hours of sleep.

Secondly, everyone experiences trials and are seeking ways to overcome them. Since the Savior is not here on the earth physically, we are to do as He would, strengthen those who are struggling.

Lastly, no matter what, God is going to bless you for exercising faith in Him by acting upon what He asks. I was so scared to follow the prompting, but because I acted and God gave me the courage, a MIRACLE happened. I know miracles will happen as we exercise faith in Christ! Every time I have done something scary for God, it ALWAYS results in a beautiful blessing.

I know what happened is because I decided to follow the Prophet and ask God to help me follow the Spirit. Because I sincerely prayed after conference, my heart was open to receive the prompting to visit my friend.

I know President Nelson is a prophet of God. I know the speakers at General Conference invite us to do what the Savior wants us to do. I know they stand in His place to guide us to know how we can be happy and live with Him again. I know the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is led by Jesus Christ. I invite all of us to listen to the talks this weekend and act on the invitations we receive. As we do, we will experience miracles and become more of who we were designed to be!

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